
Brasserie Beck (Belgium/ベルギー料理、Washington DC) - ★★★★

Restaurant - Brasserie Beck (Belgium/ベルギー料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 4/5

Dish of Recommendation - Steamed Mussels

Comment - Brasserie Beck was a definitely right choice for starting my count-down on the remaining DC days - 30 days to go. I needed time pressure to make a reservation at this popular spot in DC. Now I know Monday is the best day to go to Brasserie Beck, for sure, as I only did so a week ago.

I like Brasserie Beck. Period. This might be enough to explain how much I liked the place. Incredible and

unbelievable beer list... longer than the wine list (is it true that the restaurant has one of the largest selections of Belgian beers outside of Belgium?), was a good differentiator for Brasserie Beck from the other restaurants. Belgium restaurant itself might be already a good factor to make it stand out.

The restaurant's look is bright, with unusually tall ceilings. Oyster Bar at the entrance is very catchy. As a pretty large restaurant started to be filled with beer-drinking people, it may not be always easy to talk with friends over the table...

I order the Steamed Mussels, the dish I hardly order because I am not keen on mussels, thanks to strong recommendations from my foodie friends. Out of the three different cooking methods, I chose the waitress's favorite of fennel and chorizo. In ceramic pots, I found about 20 mid-size mussels. Although mussels themselves don't carry too much flavor, clearly fennel and chorizo helped giving savor! I liked the thin and crisp belgium (not french) fries a lot. Unfortunately both mussels and fries were too big for me to finish. I think I only had a half of them. I could have more, but of course I saved my stomach for the dessert! Btw, I tasted

a trio of mayonnaise dips (plain, curry, and tomato?) but I simply liked the fries.

The dessert my friend and I ordered - pear tarte tatin and bread pudding - were just amazing. I liked the thinness of tarte tatin and combination with honey ice cream. For the bread pudding, the not-too-rich but flavoful chocolate clearly made the pudding like heavenly. Too bad that we couldn't finish them because they were huge.

I'm going to Marcel - the flagship restaurant owned by chef Robert Wiedmaier - for my farewell dinner. I can't wait to see what kind of food I can eat at Marcel. Will they be very similar or not? The chef's background of being half Belgian and half Californian and learning cooking in the Netherlands and Belgium at an earlier age seems to have his cuisine very special.

ようやくBrasserie Beckに行ってきました。帰国30日のカウントダウンが始まり、予約が取りにくいお店でも連絡を取る気になったのでした!

本日のお目当ては最初からムール貝。私は基本的にあまりムール貝が好きではないのだけど(味が単調で、量が多くて、少し食べると飽きてしまう)、友人からお薦めと言われていたし、ベルギー料理のお店で頼まないとどこで注文するんだ!と思って。ただ、一緒に食事に行った友人のフランス人の彼が「月曜はムール貝を食べるべきでない」と言っていたのが気になったのだけど、真実のほどは分からずだったので注文しました。ムール貝は3種類の調理法で料理しているようでしたが、ウェイトレスさんのおすすめでfennel and chorizoを選択。

ムール貝はバケツではなく、平らなセラミックポットで出てきました。蓋を開けられてほんわりと香りを楽しんだ後、早速ムール貝を口へ。中くらいの大きさで、ムール貝自体にそこまで甘みがあったわけではないけど、fennel and chorizoがすごくうまくマッチしてました。ソースがおいしくて、スープ代わりでかなり楽しめたのもgreatです。(フレンチではなく)ベルジャムフライは、アメリカで慣れているのよりは細めで短かったけど、カリカリとしていて、塩も十分に効いていて手が止まらなくなりそう。でも、ムール貝にしてもフライにしても、膨大な量。二人でシェアしてちょうどなくらいです。



私のフェアウェルパーティーは、chef Robert Wiedmaierの本拠地であるMarcelでしてもらえるらしいので、今から楽しみ。友人はchefとバイク友達らしいので、会わせてもらえるかお願いしてみないと。ベルギー人とカリフォルニア人?のハーフというのが、どう彼の料理感に影響しているのか、聞いてみたいです。

Steamed mussels with Belgium Frites - Fennel and Chorizo Sausage

Pear Tarte Tatin with Cinnamon Honey Ice Cream

Belgian Bread Pudding

Brasserie Beck

1101 K St NW Washington DC 20005

(202) 408-1717

★- 4/5 このボリュームと味だったら、予約が取れないのは当然。本当は4.5をつけようかと思ったけど、他の料理が賛否両論のようなので、とりあえず4で。帰国前にもう一度行きたいお店です。