Restaurant - The Oceanaire Seafood Room (Seafood/シーフード)
Location - Washington DC etc (ワシントンDC 他)
Score - 3.5 (4.5)/ 5
Dish of recommendation - Jumbo lump crabcake
Comment - I finally started to write about Oceanaire after realizing that I haven't written on my most favorite restaurant for crabcakes in the DC yet! I first heard about Oceanaire from the people who call themselves sort of "crabcake mania". My first visit to Oceanaire was during the Thanksgiving break last year. Oceanaire's crabcakes were very well-balanced; Tasty and chewy jumbo lump crabs and good amount of seasoning. Even though I found two crabcakes were over my stomach limit, I couldn't stop eating them. For dessert, I shared baked Alaska with my friends. I didn't know that baked Alaska is one of the most traditional American sweets. Flamed with fire, it was so beautiful and delicious!
About a month ago I returned to the Oceanaire for having the crabcake again. This time, somehow two crabcakes weren't as large as I remember they used to be. Maybe because my stomach grew up?! I should mention that the service was a bit perfunctory. I felt pressure from the waiter to leave the restaurant as soon as we're done.... Oh, their cheesecake was rich and massive!
Although I went to Oceanaire with my friends, this restaurant would be more appropriate to use for more formal occasions while maintaining the liveliness. The decoration of cruise ship as well as leather booths brought me out of downtown DC to the MD coast.
Known for overall seafood, Oceanaire is the place to have not only crabcake also seafood in general. The fact that the menu is not available online due to its frequent change is already a good sign as a seafood restaurant. I know I will try other seafood next time.
散々クラブケーキを食べ歩いたうえでDCで最も気に入っているレストランについて書くのが、こんなに遅れてしまいました。 私の友人のクラブケーキ好き(マニア?)数人からDCでベストのお店として薦められたのがOceanaire。全国チェーンと聞いたときは半信半疑でしたが、一口食べたら脱帽でした。
Oceanaireのクラブケーキのカニも大半がlump jumbo crabを使用。多分、スパイスの混ぜ具合、および大きさと焼き加減がうまく釣り合っているからこれだけおいしいのかな。初めて訪問したときは2個食べるのがかなりきつかったけど、ナイフ・フォークが止まらなかったです。2度目はあれっていうぐらいあっという間に食べてしまい、DC滞在中でいかに胃が大きくなったかを痛感してしまいました:(
デザートでは、初めてBaked Alaskaを食べました。アメリカの伝統的なデザートとは知らず、名前に惹かれて友人とオーダーしたのですが、大きなメレンゲの山ときれいな炎にびっくり。アイスクリームとスポンジケーキとこんがりとしたメレンゲの組み合わせがよかったです。2度目の訪問では超濃厚なNew York Cheesecakeを選んだのですが、Oceanaireはメインも大きいけど、デザートのサイズはスーパーサイズです。
Oceanaire Seafood Room
1201 F St. NW, Washington, DC
★ - 3.5(4.5)/5 クラブケーキだけでは4.5。他のメニューをほぼ一切食べていないのとサービスにムラがある気がするので、3.5です。あと、値段が高いですよね。量も大きいから、メインだけ食べればひどい値段にはなりませんが。
The Oceanaire Seafood Room (Seafood/シーフード, Washington DC) - ★★★(★)1/2
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