
Zengo (Latin American, Asian/ラテンアメリカン・アジア料理、Washington DC) -

Restaurant - Zengo (Latin American, Asian/ラテンアメリカン・アジア料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 2/5

Dish of recommendation - Char Broiled Black Cod

Comment - Zengo, an interesting combination of Latin American and Asian food restaurant, is clearly one of the hottest spots in DC. I got there at 9pm on Saturday with reservation. The first floor of the restaurant, where the bar/lounge is, was full with dressed-up people. Usually it's a good sign for me, but this time it wasn't: My friends and I were kept waiting for half an hour!!! It was my first experience for this outrageous service in the DC restaurant, so I guess we were already in cranky mood by the time we were seated.

Then, I got further disappointed by the waiters at Zengo. Somehow two different servers seemed to be serving our table, both of who asked us about kind of water and drink. For the worst part was the waiter's explaination on the restaurant name. Zengo means 'give and take' or 'back and forth' in Japanese. It's kind of like tapas or dim sum, and everything is meant to be shared." Who gave the meaning of 'give and take' to 'Zengo" It only means 'back and forth' (I even checked it with my self-appointed Japanese teacher - my fiance:)!!! At least, the restaurant must have learned it from someone Japanese speaker, as they seem to have only mentioned 'give and take' previously. Big sigh.

Maybe after this disastrous experience, my expectation on food was low. Actually, I found the dishes better than I had anticipated. I think Miso is the best sauce for black cod because black cod needs strong but flavoful ingredients to offset some fattiness. Arroz Frito, which turned out to be just fried rice, interesting taste from duck/shrimp/pork etc. Well, somehow, one of the most traditional latin american dishes - roasted plantain - didn't taste like plantains at all. Maybe it's better and safer to order real-fusion dishes at Zengo than the traditional dishes.

Designed by Adamstein & Demetriou, one of the city's most prolific architectural teams (also designed Zaytinya, Oyamel etc), Zengo is more like a club than a restaurant. Even on the second floor and at the most distant table from the entrance, the noise level was just too high for me. It is co-owned by Richard Sandoval, a New York-based chef with seven restaurants around the country. I had been interested in visiting his restaurants, but not any more for food. Maybe for drinks.



土曜の夜9時に行ったら1階のバーは人があふれかえるほど盛況。いくらVerizon Centerの近くとはいえ、DCでここまで混んでいるお店があることに驚くと共に、少し喜びを感じたものの・・・お祭りはそこまで。


食事時には既に期待値が下がりきっていたためか、食事は思っていたよりはそこそこ食べることが出来ました。脂身の多いblack codはみそソースがしつこさを緩和していたし、スペイン語で書かれていたチャーハンは鴨や豚・海老の味がきちんと染みていて、少し重めでしたけど食べ応えがありました(3口・4口でお腹一杯になりましたが・・・)。友人にも私にもきわめて不評だったのが、roasted plantain。これこそ失敗しなさそうな料理ですが、plantainの炒めすぎで味が完全に潰してしまっていました。こういうフュージョンのお店では、お店の看板料理であるフュージョン料理を食べるべきなのでしょうね。

Adamstein & DemetriouというDCでは有名なデザイナーチームに設計されたZengoは、レストランよりもむしろクラブ・ラウンジと呼ぶべきお店。2階は食事専用ですがなぜか異常にうるさくて、入口から最も離れた席に座ったにもかかわらず、音が気になったぐらいです。Richard Sandovalは非常に成功しているシェフなので、彼のお店は気になっていたのですが、Zengo訪問後はどうも他のお店に行く気にならなくなりました。飲みに行くお店としては結構いいかもしれません。

Arroz Frito - fried rice / duck / shrimp / pork / egg / wok tossed vegetables

Roasted plantain

Thai shrimp lettuce - wrap chorizo sausage / peanut / cilantro / spicy tamarind chutney

Char Broiled Black Cod - chile chipotle~miso / asparagus / lemon~togarashi aioli


781 Seventh St. NW Washington DC 20001


★ - 2/5 久し振りにこんなに辛い評価をつけました。値段に食事が合っていない気がするし、サービスレベルには閉口です。アジア料理は、正統派だけでなくてフュージョン系のお店も頑張ってもらいたいので、残念です。