
Seasons (American/アメリカ料理, Washington DC) - ★★★1/2

Restaurant - Seasons (American/アメリカ料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 3.5/5

Dish of recommendation - Smoking" Blue Fin Tuna Tartare

Comment - I've been to Seasons restaurants by Four Seasons in a few cities such as Chicago. In contrary to my expectation coming from other American restaurants in the DC area, Seasons in Washington DC is quite innovative and original - I like it.

My first visit was for brunch on Thanksgiving Day. I chose Seasons mainly because of location and lack of choice (almost no restaurants are open for breakfast on Thanksgiving Day, of course!) Brunch menu consisted of both traditional and unique dishes. I chose Pecan and Golden Raisin Brioche French Toast, which I never saw in the other restaurant. The dish was fine, not as heavy as I had feared. Still, I did not get any strong impression from the restaurant, except the well-attentioned service and fresh juice. It was a pleasant brunch.

I went back to Seasons recently with a friend who is a frequent user of Four Seasons Hotel. This time, I liked almost everything I had and I experienced at the restaurant. Bouche-amuse of spinach soup was very refreshing and had a lot of spinach taste. The appetizer of tuna tartare was well decorated. It looked like gem on the top of tartare, with using two small stones between a white plate and a white bowl. Crabcake was flat and well, well baked. It's not my most favorite one as some fishy taste still remained, but it was nicely cooked. Dessert Tasting, which consisted of tiramisu/berry crumble/pecan ice cream/creme brule was very amusing. Pecan ice cream had good creaminess that showed good contrast with surprisingly light berry crumble (perhaps yogurt was used). I even liked the pinot noir from Russian Valley. The flavor of wild berry was just about right for me.

In general I liked all the food except the accompanying salad for crabcake - endives had a really weird spice. I confirmed that endives had spice, but didn't get to hear exactly which spice was used.

Unlike most of the restaurants in the DC area, Seasons restaurant has walls of windows with ample light coming into the restaurant. Their service is outstanding - possibly one of the very few restaurants where any waitstaff on the floor is ready to serve the guests (is it because their salaries do not depend on tips?) Unbelievable wine list (i.e. Seasons has more than five bottles from Domaine de la Romanee-Conti) and ample space among tables. I just wish this restaurant's pricing were more friendly!

私はシカゴを始めとして幾つかSeasonsレストランには行ったことがあります。基本的にどのお店はFour Seasons Hotelのメインダイニングらしく、クラシックだなあという印象を持っているのですが、DCのSeasonsは意外とモダンな要素が入っていて、結構気に入りました。

最初に訪問したのは、昨年のThanksgiving。ブレックファーストを食べることの出来るお店は当然殆どなく、Georgetownという場所を考慮してSeasonsを選びました。Pecan and Golden Raisin Brioche French Toastという見たこともない料理をトライしてみたのですが、おいしかったものの、特に印象が強く残りはしませんでした。フレッシュジュースがおいしかったのとサービスのレベルが高い方に記憶が残り、まあいいブランチだったかなという程度でした。

最近、DCのFour Seasons Hotelをかなり頻繁に利用している友人とディナーを食べに行きました。私のクラブケーキ好きを分かっている友人は、「クラブケーキを用意するように」と事前にお願いしてくれていたのでした!こういう気遣いってすごく嬉しかったです。だから、メインは迷う余地もなかったのですが、前菜は珍しくツナのタルタルを選択。そのとき、カメラが一瞬壊れていたため、写真を取ることが出来なかったのが残念なぐらい素敵な盛り付け。ツナのタルタルの上には宝石のような感じで飛び子が散っていて、白い器と置き皿の間には小石が二つおいてあるなど、日本庭園にある石を思い出させました。味も、柚子の効き方が抜群。クラブケーキは他のお店と比較して平たくて、表面がよくこんがりと焼きあがっていました。メインは大抵2個出るのですが、多すぎない1個でよかったです。




Pecan and Golden Raisin Brioche French Toast, Orange-Scented Butter

Emeritus, Russian River Pinot Noir

"Smoking" Blue Fin Tuna Tartare, Japanese Pearls, Wasabi Tobiko, Toasted Nigella, Yuzu

EmulsionSpecial crabcake for me!!!

Dessert Tasting - Tiramisu, Berry Crabmle, Peacan Ice Cream, Creme Brule


2800 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20007

(202) 944-2000

★ - 3.5/5 雰囲気・サービス・料理の味だけならば4か4.5ですが、費用対効果ということで、やや低めの評価です。ビジネスディナーや特別な記念日の家族ディナー向きのお店です。


The Oceanaire Seafood Room (Seafood/シーフード, Washington DC) - ★★★(★)1/2

Restaurant - The Oceanaire Seafood Room (Seafood/シーフード)

Location - Washington DC etc (ワシントンDC 他)

Score - 3.5 (4.5)/ 5

Dish of recommendation - Jumbo lump crabcake

Comment - I finally started to write about Oceanaire after realizing that I haven't written on my most favorite restaurant for crabcakes in the DC yet! I first heard about Oceanaire from the people who call themselves sort of "crabcake mania". My first visit to Oceanaire was during the Thanksgiving break last year. Oceanaire's crabcakes were very well-balanced; Tasty and chewy jumbo lump crabs and good amount of seasoning. Even though I found two crabcakes were over my stomach limit, I couldn't stop eating them. For dessert, I shared baked Alaska with my friends. I didn't know that baked Alaska is one of the most traditional American sweets. Flamed with fire, it was so beautiful and delicious!

About a month ago I returned to the Oceanaire for having the crabcake again. This time, somehow two crabcakes weren't as large as I remember they used to be. Maybe because my stomach grew up?! I should mention that the service was a bit perfunctory. I felt pressure from the waiter to leave the restaurant as soon as we're done.... Oh, their cheesecake was rich and massive!

Although I went to Oceanaire with my friends, this restaurant would be more appropriate to use for more formal occasions while maintaining the liveliness. The decoration of cruise ship as well as leather booths brought me out of downtown DC to the MD coast.

Known for overall seafood, Oceanaire is the place to have not only crabcake also seafood in general. The fact that the menu is not available online due to its frequent change is already a good sign as a seafood restaurant. I know I will try other seafood next time.

散々クラブケーキを食べ歩いたうえでDCで最も気に入っているレストランについて書くのが、こんなに遅れてしまいました。 私の友人のクラブケーキ好き(マニア?)数人からDCでベストのお店として薦められたのがOceanaire。全国チェーンと聞いたときは半信半疑でしたが、一口食べたら脱帽でした。

Oceanaireのクラブケーキのカニも大半がlump jumbo crabを使用。多分、スパイスの混ぜ具合、および大きさと焼き加減がうまく釣り合っているからこれだけおいしいのかな。初めて訪問したときは2個食べるのがかなりきつかったけど、ナイフ・フォークが止まらなかったです。2度目はあれっていうぐらいあっという間に食べてしまい、DC滞在中でいかに胃が大きくなったかを痛感してしまいました:(

デザートでは、初めてBaked Alaskaを食べました。アメリカの伝統的なデザートとは知らず、名前に惹かれて友人とオーダーしたのですが、大きなメレンゲの山ときれいな炎にびっくり。アイスクリームとスポンジケーキとこんがりとしたメレンゲの組み合わせがよかったです。2度目の訪問では超濃厚なNew York Cheesecakeを選んだのですが、Oceanaireはメインも大きいけど、デザートのサイズはスーパーサイズです。


Oceanaire Seafood Room

1201 F St. NW, Washington, DC


★ - 3.5(4.5)/5 クラブケーキだけでは4.5。他のメニューをほぼ一切食べていないのとサービスにムラがある気がするので、3.5です。あと、値段が高いですよね。量も大きいから、メインだけ食べればひどい値段にはなりませんが。


Zengo (Latin American, Asian/ラテンアメリカン・アジア料理、Washington DC) -

Restaurant - Zengo (Latin American, Asian/ラテンアメリカン・アジア料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 2/5

Dish of recommendation - Char Broiled Black Cod

Comment - Zengo, an interesting combination of Latin American and Asian food restaurant, is clearly one of the hottest spots in DC. I got there at 9pm on Saturday with reservation. The first floor of the restaurant, where the bar/lounge is, was full with dressed-up people. Usually it's a good sign for me, but this time it wasn't: My friends and I were kept waiting for half an hour!!! It was my first experience for this outrageous service in the DC restaurant, so I guess we were already in cranky mood by the time we were seated.

Then, I got further disappointed by the waiters at Zengo. Somehow two different servers seemed to be serving our table, both of who asked us about kind of water and drink. For the worst part was the waiter's explaination on the restaurant name. Zengo means 'give and take' or 'back and forth' in Japanese. It's kind of like tapas or dim sum, and everything is meant to be shared." Who gave the meaning of 'give and take' to 'Zengo" It only means 'back and forth' (I even checked it with my self-appointed Japanese teacher - my fiance:)!!! At least, the restaurant must have learned it from someone Japanese speaker, as they seem to have only mentioned 'give and take' previously. Big sigh.

Maybe after this disastrous experience, my expectation on food was low. Actually, I found the dishes better than I had anticipated. I think Miso is the best sauce for black cod because black cod needs strong but flavoful ingredients to offset some fattiness. Arroz Frito, which turned out to be just fried rice, interesting taste from duck/shrimp/pork etc. Well, somehow, one of the most traditional latin american dishes - roasted plantain - didn't taste like plantains at all. Maybe it's better and safer to order real-fusion dishes at Zengo than the traditional dishes.

Designed by Adamstein & Demetriou, one of the city's most prolific architectural teams (also designed Zaytinya, Oyamel etc), Zengo is more like a club than a restaurant. Even on the second floor and at the most distant table from the entrance, the noise level was just too high for me. It is co-owned by Richard Sandoval, a New York-based chef with seven restaurants around the country. I had been interested in visiting his restaurants, but not any more for food. Maybe for drinks.



土曜の夜9時に行ったら1階のバーは人があふれかえるほど盛況。いくらVerizon Centerの近くとはいえ、DCでここまで混んでいるお店があることに驚くと共に、少し喜びを感じたものの・・・お祭りはそこまで。


食事時には既に期待値が下がりきっていたためか、食事は思っていたよりはそこそこ食べることが出来ました。脂身の多いblack codはみそソースがしつこさを緩和していたし、スペイン語で書かれていたチャーハンは鴨や豚・海老の味がきちんと染みていて、少し重めでしたけど食べ応えがありました(3口・4口でお腹一杯になりましたが・・・)。友人にも私にもきわめて不評だったのが、roasted plantain。これこそ失敗しなさそうな料理ですが、plantainの炒めすぎで味が完全に潰してしまっていました。こういうフュージョンのお店では、お店の看板料理であるフュージョン料理を食べるべきなのでしょうね。

Adamstein & DemetriouというDCでは有名なデザイナーチームに設計されたZengoは、レストランよりもむしろクラブ・ラウンジと呼ぶべきお店。2階は食事専用ですがなぜか異常にうるさくて、入口から最も離れた席に座ったにもかかわらず、音が気になったぐらいです。Richard Sandovalは非常に成功しているシェフなので、彼のお店は気になっていたのですが、Zengo訪問後はどうも他のお店に行く気にならなくなりました。飲みに行くお店としては結構いいかもしれません。

Arroz Frito - fried rice / duck / shrimp / pork / egg / wok tossed vegetables

Roasted plantain

Thai shrimp lettuce - wrap chorizo sausage / peanut / cilantro / spicy tamarind chutney

Char Broiled Black Cod - chile chipotle~miso / asparagus / lemon~togarashi aioli


781 Seventh St. NW Washington DC 20001


★ - 2/5 久し振りにこんなに辛い評価をつけました。値段に食事が合っていない気がするし、サービスレベルには閉口です。アジア料理は、正統派だけでなくてフュージョン系のお店も頑張ってもらいたいので、残念です。


Prime Rib (Steakhouse/ステーキ、Washington DC) - ★★★1/2

Restaurant - Prime Rib (Steakhouse/ステーキ)

Location - Washington DC

Score - 3.5/5

Dish of recommendation - N/A (I only tasted one dish)

Comment - The Prime Rib's crab cakes are introduced by Washingtonian as one of the best in the DC area. Needless to say, since I read this article, this place has been on one of my wish restaurants in DC.

The Prime Rib Restaurant, of which flagship restaurant is in Baltimore, is what I haven't surprisingly seen much in the DC area: Prime Rib, in black has a very elegant and sophisticated atmosphere, totally making itself appropriate to be called as a power spot and true K-St restaurant. The restaurant has several tufted-leather wing chairs, black wall with gold-trim, live piano and tuxedoes waitstaff! I felt like fish out of water (which must have been totally correct)

Sitting close to live piano, I enjoyed their jumbo lump crab cakes and coleslaw. Crab cakes were baked just to the right degree and had a right amount of seasoning. Their tartar sauce was one of my favorite tartar sauces I've had. The sauce enhanced the taste a lot. Also, I was impressed by their coleslaw. Not too sweet but not too sour either. I started the meal with coleslaw (not crabcakes), but I couldn't stop eating coleslaw for a minute or so.

Prime Rib's crab cakes are clearly on top of my crab cake lists, competing head-to-head with the Oceanaire's crab cakes. Only if someone takes me out for dinner to have "prime rib" in the future!

私がDC到着直後、よくクラブケーキ名店発掘に利用していたのが、Washingtonian のクラブケーキに関する記事。今になってこのリストを改めて読んでみると、こちらに掲載されているお店の半分も制覇していないのですが・・・。以前から気になっていたPrime Ribだけは帰国前に訪問したい!と、先日念願の訪問を果たしました。

金で縁取られた、まるで漆のように輝いている黒の壁、扇形のソファー、ライブピアノ等々、まるでジャズクラブに来たような錯覚を覚える内装。タキシードを着たウェイターに席に案内され、周囲を見渡したとき、初めて「政治のお膝元にある高級レストラン」に来たなあと興味深さと場違いさを覚えたのでした(Old Ebbit Grillはカジュアルだし、Metropolitan Clubのような会員制のレストランは当然と言えば当然出し、他の高級レストランは政治色がさほど強くない気がするので・・・)

念願のクラブケーキは、表面がこんがりと焼きあがり、jumbo lump crabは本当に大きくて甘みがあり、私のクラブケーキリストの上位に簡単に入ってしまいました! あと、コールスローは今まで食べたコールスローの中で最もおいしかったかも。甘すぎずすっぱすぎず、非常にあっさりとした上品な味わいで、クラブケーキを食べる前の一口が1分ぐらいずっとコールスローばかり食べ続けてしまったのでした。

誰かがディナーに招待してくれるという素晴らしい機会があれば、Prime Ribで"Prime Rib"を食べたい、とお願いしようかな、と都合のいい想像をしながらお店を出たのでした。

Prime Rib

2020 K Street N.W. Washington DC 20006

(202) 466-8811

★ - 3.5/5  期待以上においしいクラブケーキでポジティブサプライズ!でも、雰囲気があまりにもposhなので、そのせいで通いづらそうなお店と感じました。あとは、やっぱりPrime Ribを食べてからでないと、きちんとした評価は出来ないですよねー。


Tabard Inn (American/アメリカ料理、Washington DC) - ★★★★

Restaurant - Tabard Inn (American/アメリカ料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 4/5

Dish of recommendation - N/A

Comment - I finally got a table at this popular restaurant for brunch. Although located in Dupont Circle and on N st, Tabard Inn sucessfully maintains a charming "B&B"-type look. The restaurant uses lots of wood with windows and garden outside, that kind of differentiate itself from the very traditional waiting lounge of dark lightening and heavy-looking furniture.

For me I had one of the difficult decision on what to eat. Three or four different porched eggs, other egg plates, salmon, chicken etc. Tabard Inn's chef seems to like pork and sausage a lot more than the other chefs. In the end, I had a very tasty "savory tarte" that has tons of crabs (of course!) inside. I liked the way they baked pies for the quiche. A special kind of mimosa (with a slice of blood orange and a bit of campari) was much more powerful than the normal mimosa, making me sleepy later the day. What a lovely brunch it was! I wish I had known this place earlier. And, I can't believe I didn't eat that famous fried doughnuts dusted with cinnamon sugar !!! I feel like I'm a loser:(

Brunchが特に有名なTabard Innに行ってきました。数週間前の予約が必要とも噂されていたのですが、運良く数日前でも予約を取れたので、「これは帰国前に行く運命だったのかな?」なんて、かなり脳天気ですね、私は。Dupont Circleはいつも行っていますが、まさかN Stにあんなにかわいらしい雰囲気のB&B的ホテルがあるとは知らず、驚いてしまいました。東京のマンションぐらい狭い?ホテルの入口を潜り抜けて、かなり重厚なラウンジの更に奥にレストランはありました。ラウンジの照明はかなり暗くて、かつアメリカの伝統的なソファーを見た途端、「数年ぶりに再会する人とのブランチには、もしかしたら場違いな場所を選択したかな?」と心配になるほど。でも、レストランは、窓からたくさん光が入り、あと素敵なお庭があって、素朴なカントリーハウスのようですっかり気に入りました。

メニューはPorched eggs等の卵料理を中心にサーモン・チキン等々かなり充実。最後まで決めきれないほど優柔になってしまいましたが、カニが沢山入ったキッシュを選択(カニが入っていたら、注文してしまうのが今の私なのです・・・)。あと、ブラッドオレンジとカンパリが入ったという、ミモザのアレンジ版でスタート。ミモザは普通のミモザと違ってかなりパンチの効いた味で気に入りましたが、結構アルコール度合いが強かったかも。キッシュはカニ・リーク等々の味付けとがおいしく、その柔らさがパイ生地とうまく組み合わさっていました。

最も有名なメニューである、fried doughnuts dusted with cinnamon sugarを食べなかった自分が信じられない。。。後悔していますが、キッシュのボリュームを考えたら、それは正解でしたね。これからブランチの場所を選ぶときがあったら、また行きたいお店です。

Tabard Inn

1739 N St NW Washington DC 20036

(202) 833-2668

★ - 4/5 Brunchもさながら、ディナーメニューもかなり魅力的です。フォーマル過ぎない、よきアメリカとその料理を紹介するには、かなり適したお店だと思いました。


Cafe Milano (Italian/イタリア料理、Washington DC) - ★★★(1/2)

Restaurant - Cafe Milano (Italian/イタリア料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 3 (3.5)/5

Dish of recommendation - Mezzelune Stefano Ricci - Pumpkin filled with mezzelune pasta in a butter and sage sauce with crumbled amaretti

Comment - First word that comes up when I describe Cafe Milano is "shame". It's a shame that they don't offer a nice service and setting vis-a-vis quality of food. I liked most of the dishes - though endive salad's looked boring and unsophisticated, calamaris and zucchinis were fried in a very crisp way. Mezzelune stefano ricci was actually amazing! Crumbled amaretti must be playing a critical role in that dish, otherwise pumpkin and butter tend to create heaviness... Tiramisu, albeit a bit watery at the bottom, was very classic with adequate proportion of mascalpone and ladyfingers. The menu overall was very well-balanced with a wide range of choice including a few carpaccio dishes and pizza.

But I still don't know if I go back to this restaurant with my own account. Overall, everything was expensive (in particular the appetizers were like $15 and veal-chop was $38 or something). And I just didn't think the service and decoration deserved the price...

Actually I had one of the most outrageous experiences here. My friend and I were seated at a table just 3 feet from the bar, where a few good-looking (with over-confidence?) people were having a drink. These people were standing all the time, showing their backs (and hips of course). And a guy started to touch a woman's .... We had to eat our main dishes while looking at their hips and clearly not pleasing behavior for dinner...

The waiter was boorish and unfriendly in his manner for most of the time. The only saving was that when I finally stood up and complained about the situation, the waiter and the manager sounded apologetic and soon moved our table with complementary dessert. But, shouldn't the restaurant change the layout if "you're not the first customer to complain the table location"?

Well, for those who'd like to visit this restaurant, I highly recommend going there with someone else's account and specify the table location (the area in the back looked great... this area must be where Madonna and all the other celebrities dine). I would rather go to Sette Osteria (Dupont Circle) and Sette Bello (Clarendon), the restaurants operated by the same company, if I pay on my own.

Or we should just go there for a drink, dressing up, and try to find the "young, rich and beautiful" people (as this place is known). I just feel bad for chef Franco Nuschese....


Cafe Milano。名前は私でも知っていたお店ですが、どうも有名人(ハリウッド系)が行くお店、という話を聞いてからは特に行くつもりはなかったものの、今回、友人が希望したので、行ってみることにしました。

Prospect St.に面している側はガラス張りになっていて、窓際のテーブルか奥まったテーブルだったら雰囲気がよさそうかなと思いましたが、バーカウンター周辺は騒がしくて高級レストランの雰囲気は皆無。残念ながらバーカウンターの目の前の席になったので、せめて食事でも楽しめればいいなあと。

メニューは前菜・ピザ・パスタ・メインと種類がそれぞれあり、かなりバランスが取れていました。色々と悩みましたが、以下のメニューを選択。Fritto di Calamaretti e Zucchineはかなりあっさりと仕上がっていて、ズッキーニの薄さに感動。微妙に高級天ぷら店を思い出すほど。Mezzelune Stefano Ricciはかぼちゃのラビオリという表現が最も親近感が沸く気がしますが、バターとセージのソース、そして粉々のamarettiという組み合わせがすごく濃厚だけど重過ぎない微妙な感じで、食事の中では最もおいしかったです。「自称Tiramisu専門家」の私(Tiramisuを見ると99%の可能性でオーダーしているため)でも、ここのTiramisuはアメリカと言うよりは本場イタリアの作り方に近くて、少し水分が多かったのが残念だけど、それ以外では飽きも来ない、ちょうどいい甘さだったと思います。私はladyfingerを使ったtiramisuが一般的に好きなのかもしれません。





Fritto di Calamaretti e Zucchine Croccanti con Salsetta di Pomodoro

- Crispy baby calamari and zucchini with a lightly spicy tomato sauce

Endiva Belga, Romana Nana e Mele con Gorgonzola

- Belgium endive, baby romaine and sweet apple with gorgonzola

Mezzelune Stefano Ricci - Pumpkin filled with mezzelune pasta in a butter and sage sauce with crumbled amaretti

Costoletta di Vitello alla Milanese - Pounded, breaded veal chop "Milanese" style with arugula and tomato salad

Il Tiramisu di Milano - Classic Mascarpone cream with dipped espresso ladyfingers dusted with cocoa powder

"La Pietra" Super Campanian Blend (exclusive proprietary blend of cafe milano)

Cafe Milano
3251 Prospect St. NW, Washington, DC 20007

★ - 3(3.5)/5 料理だけだったら、確実にもう少し評価が高いのですが・・・。レストランでの食事というのは、料理だけでなく、サービス(おもてなし)や空間が重要と改めて確認させられるお店です。


Brasserie Beck (Belgium/ベルギー料理、Washington DC) - ★★★★

Restaurant - Brasserie Beck (Belgium/ベルギー料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 4/5

Dish of Recommendation - Steamed Mussels

Comment - Brasserie Beck was a definitely right choice for starting my count-down on the remaining DC days - 30 days to go. I needed time pressure to make a reservation at this popular spot in DC. Now I know Monday is the best day to go to Brasserie Beck, for sure, as I only did so a week ago.

I like Brasserie Beck. Period. This might be enough to explain how much I liked the place. Incredible and

unbelievable beer list... longer than the wine list (is it true that the restaurant has one of the largest selections of Belgian beers outside of Belgium?), was a good differentiator for Brasserie Beck from the other restaurants. Belgium restaurant itself might be already a good factor to make it stand out.

The restaurant's look is bright, with unusually tall ceilings. Oyster Bar at the entrance is very catchy. As a pretty large restaurant started to be filled with beer-drinking people, it may not be always easy to talk with friends over the table...

I order the Steamed Mussels, the dish I hardly order because I am not keen on mussels, thanks to strong recommendations from my foodie friends. Out of the three different cooking methods, I chose the waitress's favorite of fennel and chorizo. In ceramic pots, I found about 20 mid-size mussels. Although mussels themselves don't carry too much flavor, clearly fennel and chorizo helped giving savor! I liked the thin and crisp belgium (not french) fries a lot. Unfortunately both mussels and fries were too big for me to finish. I think I only had a half of them. I could have more, but of course I saved my stomach for the dessert! Btw, I tasted

a trio of mayonnaise dips (plain, curry, and tomato?) but I simply liked the fries.

The dessert my friend and I ordered - pear tarte tatin and bread pudding - were just amazing. I liked the thinness of tarte tatin and combination with honey ice cream. For the bread pudding, the not-too-rich but flavoful chocolate clearly made the pudding like heavenly. Too bad that we couldn't finish them because they were huge.

I'm going to Marcel - the flagship restaurant owned by chef Robert Wiedmaier - for my farewell dinner. I can't wait to see what kind of food I can eat at Marcel. Will they be very similar or not? The chef's background of being half Belgian and half Californian and learning cooking in the Netherlands and Belgium at an earlier age seems to have his cuisine very special.

ようやくBrasserie Beckに行ってきました。帰国30日のカウントダウンが始まり、予約が取りにくいお店でも連絡を取る気になったのでした!

本日のお目当ては最初からムール貝。私は基本的にあまりムール貝が好きではないのだけど(味が単調で、量が多くて、少し食べると飽きてしまう)、友人からお薦めと言われていたし、ベルギー料理のお店で頼まないとどこで注文するんだ!と思って。ただ、一緒に食事に行った友人のフランス人の彼が「月曜はムール貝を食べるべきでない」と言っていたのが気になったのだけど、真実のほどは分からずだったので注文しました。ムール貝は3種類の調理法で料理しているようでしたが、ウェイトレスさんのおすすめでfennel and chorizoを選択。

ムール貝はバケツではなく、平らなセラミックポットで出てきました。蓋を開けられてほんわりと香りを楽しんだ後、早速ムール貝を口へ。中くらいの大きさで、ムール貝自体にそこまで甘みがあったわけではないけど、fennel and chorizoがすごくうまくマッチしてました。ソースがおいしくて、スープ代わりでかなり楽しめたのもgreatです。(フレンチではなく)ベルジャムフライは、アメリカで慣れているのよりは細めで短かったけど、カリカリとしていて、塩も十分に効いていて手が止まらなくなりそう。でも、ムール貝にしてもフライにしても、膨大な量。二人でシェアしてちょうどなくらいです。



私のフェアウェルパーティーは、chef Robert Wiedmaierの本拠地であるMarcelでしてもらえるらしいので、今から楽しみ。友人はchefとバイク友達らしいので、会わせてもらえるかお願いしてみないと。ベルギー人とカリフォルニア人?のハーフというのが、どう彼の料理感に影響しているのか、聞いてみたいです。

Steamed mussels with Belgium Frites - Fennel and Chorizo Sausage

Pear Tarte Tatin with Cinnamon Honey Ice Cream

Belgian Bread Pudding

Brasserie Beck

1101 K St NW Washington DC 20005

(202) 408-1717

★- 4/5 このボリュームと味だったら、予約が取れないのは当然。本当は4.5をつけようかと思ったけど、他の料理が賛否両論のようなので、とりあえず4で。帰国前にもう一度行きたいお店です。


CityZen (American/モダンアメリカン料理, Washington DC) - ★★★★1/2

Restaurant - CityZen (American/モダンアメリカン料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 4.5/5

Dish of Recommendation - All I ate that evening!!!

Comment - I finally found a top-class restaurant that could compete well with the peers in other gastronomic cities! I enjoyed every single moment at CityZen so much that I spent four hours during a weekday with only three main courses.

CityZen was not necessarily on top of my wish lists. Although its ranking is always among the top 10 restaurants in the DC area, the average price of over $100 by zagat had scared me off... For me, cost performance is very important, so I thought I would visit it if I get any great news (particularly after visiting Citronelle in Dec, which was slightly disappointing in terms of cost performance).

But, a colleague of mine, who seems like serious food lover, recommended that I should definitely visit CityZen. Within a week after his advice, I made a reservation at CityZen:)

I went to CityZen without almost any studies. I even didn't know that their executive chef, Eric Ziebold, worked at The French Laundry in California for eight years, just before coming to DC to open CityZen. His bio is interesting to me in terms of understanding the restaurant trend in the US - starting at Vidalia (Washington DC), then Spago Restaurant (LA) and The French Laundry /Per Se.

The restaurant, situated very close to the entrance of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, has a modern interior, hinting a bit of Asian influence. Open kitchen was giving liveliness to the otherwise could-be too chic atmosphere.

I went for three-course menu. The restaurant surprised me by serving two amuze bouches. I really liked the sweet onion tart, particularly pie's crispness and sweet onion's fineness. Fried onion ring on top had a combination of both pie and sweet onion. The sauce used in Scallops dish, Avgolemono (lemon sauce often used in Greek cuisine), was kind of unfamiliar to me, but it gave scallops freshness.

As much as I enjoyed overall the dishes, I loved CityZen's breads. They served breads twice. The first one was a basket of three different breads, and the second one was 10 golden mini Parker House rolls (invented in Parker House Hotel (Current Omni Parker Hotel) in Boston, MA long, long time ago...) in a cigar-like box. When I had a bite with this roll, I'm sure my large eyes even opened further. I seriously debated whether I totally forget about my weight and health, and eat all the mini rolls on the table.... Actually it wasn't the best match for my scallops, but for bread lovers like me, these mini rolls give strong reason to visit CityZen.

One more impressing thing about CityZen is its wine selection. Though I was initially about their wine by glass because they didn't show it to me (maybe because my friend didn't drink), I like both white wine they recommended. They do have more than a few glasses for each white and red. Chadonnay Cooper-Garrod was just phonomenal. For its year, this wine had a ripe pear with some butterscoth aroma. The retail price looked totally fine ($20 per bottle), so I should get a few bottles:)

This is absolutely one of the restaurants I need to revisit before going back to Japan. Well, the only issue is price - One of the most expensive restaurants in the area, unfortunately...


決して便利のいいエリアでないところにあるマンダリンオリエンタルホテルのロビー側にCity Zenはありました。玄関に近すぎるのはどんなものか・・・と思いながら入ると、なんとなくアジア的なスタイリッシュな雰囲気が漂い、遠くてもオープンキッチンから活気が感じられました。

調べてみると、シェフEric ZieboldはCityZenをオープンする前にFrench Laundryで8年も働いていたとか。French Laundryは、ベイエリア滞在時に行こうと思っていたものの、友人から料理の質・サービスの評価は素晴らしいが価格と料理の量については結構様々な意見を聞いていたので、結局訪問しなかったお店です。今回、CityZenでFrench Laundry的な経験が多少は出来たのではないでしょうか?

料理は前菜・メイン・デザート($75)を選択。見た目も素晴らしいアミューズ2皿を楽しんだ後、前菜のsweet onion tartの食感のいいパイ生地と飾りのオニオンフライと玉ねぎのほどよい甘さのハーモニーがすごく気に入りました。scallopsは、ソースがレモン風味をしていたので、サイズが大きいと圧迫感も出がちなscallopsにさわやかな味わいを付け加えていました。

最も印象に残ったのはパン。私は本来からパンが大好きで、おいしいパンを買うためなら何処にでも行くぐらい。DCのレストランは残念ながらあまりパンがおいしくないなあと全般的に感じていますが、CityZenのパンは別格。3種類のパンに加え、メインと一緒に出されたパーカーパン(Parker House Roll)を一口、口にしたら、もうとろけそうになってしまいました!シガーボックスに入って出すところが粋だなあとも。



Sauvignon Blanc 2006 Ceàgo, Kathleen's Vineyard, Clear Lake, CA

Chardonnay 2004 Cooper-Garrod, Gravel Ridge, Santa Cruz Mtns

SUPER FINE SWEET ONION TART with Pickled Cippollini Onion, Roasted Pearl Onionsand Fried Onion Ring Salad

PAN ROASTED MAINE SEA SCALLOPS with Italian Parsley and Meyer Lemon Quenelles, Globe Artichokes and Avgolemono Sauce

CITYZEN GRASSHOPPER PIE Warm Pavé of Valrhona ChocolateGarden Mint Broth, Whipped Kendall Farms Crème Fraîcheand an Oreo Tuile


1330 Maryland Avenue SWWashington, DC 20024

(202) 787-6006

★ - 4.5/5 DCエリアのLuxury Restaurantで最も気に入ったお店です。あの不便な場所も、隠れ家的な要素を付け加えているのでしょうか?最近、評価が更に上がってきているようですが、もう少し高くてもいい気がします。


Minh (Vietnamese/ヴェトナム料理, Arlington, VA) - ★★★1/2

Restaurant - Minh (Vietnamese/ヴェトナム料理)

Location - Arlington, VA (アーリントン、ヴァージニア州)

Score - 3.5/5

Dish of recommendation - Pho

Comment - My friends who live in the gastronomy district (no matter which city it is) often tell me that they actually don't visit the restaurants within their walking distance as often as they want to, because they take if for granted that they can go there anytime. I kind of share it... though my district doesn't have as many good restaurants as I wish it had:)

So, ironically, thanks to a friend from Boston, who unfortunately got lost on the way to my house, I could finally have dinner at Minh, a Vietnamese restaurant with high reputation, located within five min from where I live. We got there at 9:30pm on Friday. It was actually more crowded that I had expected because I've heard that Minh is usually not crowded due to its awkward? location (hey!)

Although the location is actually not sexy (located in the first floor of an office building), the decoration was overall decent and authentic (except one large Chinese-like kind-of-kyte art hang from the ceiling). Menu had a broad range of food with countless kind of dishes!, but we opted for something simple - Pho and tofu - due to the late dinner time.

The pho came in as a good surprise. The pho was not too thick, not too thin. Beef (well done brisket) had a nice flavor, unlike boring ones I tend to find. Combination of tofu was ok, with a bit too thick sauce.

I shouldn't talk about the price (because my friend invited me:), but pho cost less than $7 for a small size, which means large enough for most of the people. As I expected, Minh is a place to count on for most of the occassions, except for the occasions I need high level of attention (service could be a bit unstable).

コメント - 意外に住んでいるエリアのレストランには行かないものですよね。私も、NorthernVirginiaのグルメ地区の一つであるClarendon/Courthouse近辺のお店はまだ5件ぐらいしか行っていません。今回は、ボストンから週末に遊びに来ていた友人が私の自宅に車で道に迷った関係で、たまたま地元のお店にしようと言ったところ、念願のMinhに訪問しました。


延々と続く?メニューを見て、どうしようーと一瞬思いましたが、夜遅かったので、あっさりとしたPhoとCombination Tofuを選択。Phoは平均よりもやや太麺で、歯ごたえが気に入りました。あと、well done brisketも最近食べたPhoのお肉の中ではきちんと味がついていて、おいしかったです。Combination Tofuはソースが少し重すぎたかなあ。でも、Phoとご飯を一緒に食べる気にはならなかったし。


Beef Noodle Soup Pho Chín - Beef noodle soup w/ well done brisket

Combination Tofu - Tofu sauteed w/ mixed vegetables


2500 Wilson Boulverd Arlington VA 22201


★ - 3.5/5  私はあまりアジア系の料理をDC近辺で食べていないので、評価は尚早かもしれませんが、少なくとも私が胃を休めたい時に選ぶお店のひとつでしょう。あと、懐にもやさしいし:)


Post Moderne Brasserie (American/モダンアメリカン, Washington DC) - ★★★(1/2)

Restaurant - Post Moderne Brasserie (American/モダンアメリカン)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 3-3.5/5

Dish of recommendation - Nothing in particular

Comment - Well, I am still debating whether I should score the restaurant 3.5 or 3. I had an overall good experience at the restaurant. Service was sophisticated. The waiter was friendly and gave good advice on food and wine. He was very enthusiastic about his favorite dishes and wine. I basically followed his advice on wine and dessert, two of which I didn't have any preference.

The wine - Maysara Pinot Noir "Jamsheed" 2005 - was clearly expensive ($18) for its retail price, but had an elegant tannin, more Burgundish flavor with nice ending. A bit tasted like raspberry. One of the buys at retail! I enjoyed all the dishes I have chosen. But I found one issue with this restaurant. Portion was too much in two ways - each plate and each piece of food. Escargots were bigger than usual, and pies on top of each escargot were just overwhelming. Same for scallops and pork jellies. Pork jellies lied under scallops like "Zabuton"(cushion) !

Poste's interior and outside courtyard are particularly noteworthy. It is adjacent to the original sorting room of the 1841 General Post Office. This restaurant embraces both history and modernity (particularly at the bar area). It is a kind of hidden in the busy Penn Quarter. Nice hang-out place.

感想 - 昨日、DCのPenn QuarterにあるPost Moderne Brasserieに行ってきました。1841年建設の郵便局を使用したHotel Monaco内にあり、Penn Quarterの喧騒から隔離された、非常に素敵な中庭に面したレストランです。入り口がわかりにくいので、こんなところにレストランがあるのかと驚いたのですが、入ってみると150席以上あるような大型レストランです。入口近辺はポップなラウンジといった感じですが、奥には静かな席もあり、色々な使い方が出来そうなお店です。

Truffle Fritsがおいしいという友人の薦めで行ってきました。私がこれまでに訪問したDCのモダンアメリカンレストランの中で、メニュー自体はEscargots, Steak Tartare, Beef Bourguignon, Steak au Poivreと最も正統派のフレンチブラッスリー・ビストロに近く、だからこそ珍しくEscargotsを前菜にオーダーしてしまいました。

料理は全般的になかなかおいしかったのだけど、なにせ量に問題がありかな。Escargotsは本当ならばエスカルゴ専用のお皿に6個だけ入っているはずなのに、なぜかそれぞれのエスカルゴの上にパイ生地が。Scallopsにいたっては、人差し指の2節分は直径があるScallopsが3つ出てきて、それぞれの下にPork bellyが座布団みたいな感じで敷かれていました。最もあっさりしているとウェイターの人が薦めてくれたPassion Fruit Sabayonはbasil sirupとpassion fruitの組み合わせがぴったりだなと思いながらも、大型ウィスキーグラス一杯に出てきた日には・・・。

料理が適量だったら、再訪してもいいお店リストに入るのだけど。Verizon centerの前後で一杯飲みたいときに、バーを利用するかもしれません。

Escargots garlic-lemon butter

Seared Sea Scallops slow-smoked farmhouse pork belly, parsley root, dandelion

Truffle Frites

Passion Fruit Sabayon - blue curacao meringue, citrus fruit, basil syrup

Poste Moderne Brasserie

555 8th Street, NW Washington DC 20004


★- 3 or 3.5/5 お店の雰囲気、サービスはいいので、メインとデザートぐらいと量を調節すればOK。