
Cafe Milano (Italian/イタリア料理、Washington DC) - ★★★(1/2)

Restaurant - Cafe Milano (Italian/イタリア料理)

Location - Washington DC (ワシントンDC)

Score - 3 (3.5)/5

Dish of recommendation - Mezzelune Stefano Ricci - Pumpkin filled with mezzelune pasta in a butter and sage sauce with crumbled amaretti

Comment - First word that comes up when I describe Cafe Milano is "shame". It's a shame that they don't offer a nice service and setting vis-a-vis quality of food. I liked most of the dishes - though endive salad's looked boring and unsophisticated, calamaris and zucchinis were fried in a very crisp way. Mezzelune stefano ricci was actually amazing! Crumbled amaretti must be playing a critical role in that dish, otherwise pumpkin and butter tend to create heaviness... Tiramisu, albeit a bit watery at the bottom, was very classic with adequate proportion of mascalpone and ladyfingers. The menu overall was very well-balanced with a wide range of choice including a few carpaccio dishes and pizza.

But I still don't know if I go back to this restaurant with my own account. Overall, everything was expensive (in particular the appetizers were like $15 and veal-chop was $38 or something). And I just didn't think the service and decoration deserved the price...

Actually I had one of the most outrageous experiences here. My friend and I were seated at a table just 3 feet from the bar, where a few good-looking (with over-confidence?) people were having a drink. These people were standing all the time, showing their backs (and hips of course). And a guy started to touch a woman's .... We had to eat our main dishes while looking at their hips and clearly not pleasing behavior for dinner...

The waiter was boorish and unfriendly in his manner for most of the time. The only saving was that when I finally stood up and complained about the situation, the waiter and the manager sounded apologetic and soon moved our table with complementary dessert. But, shouldn't the restaurant change the layout if "you're not the first customer to complain the table location"?

Well, for those who'd like to visit this restaurant, I highly recommend going there with someone else's account and specify the table location (the area in the back looked great... this area must be where Madonna and all the other celebrities dine). I would rather go to Sette Osteria (Dupont Circle) and Sette Bello (Clarendon), the restaurants operated by the same company, if I pay on my own.

Or we should just go there for a drink, dressing up, and try to find the "young, rich and beautiful" people (as this place is known). I just feel bad for chef Franco Nuschese....


Cafe Milano。名前は私でも知っていたお店ですが、どうも有名人(ハリウッド系)が行くお店、という話を聞いてからは特に行くつもりはなかったものの、今回、友人が希望したので、行ってみることにしました。

Prospect St.に面している側はガラス張りになっていて、窓際のテーブルか奥まったテーブルだったら雰囲気がよさそうかなと思いましたが、バーカウンター周辺は騒がしくて高級レストランの雰囲気は皆無。残念ながらバーカウンターの目の前の席になったので、せめて食事でも楽しめればいいなあと。

メニューは前菜・ピザ・パスタ・メインと種類がそれぞれあり、かなりバランスが取れていました。色々と悩みましたが、以下のメニューを選択。Fritto di Calamaretti e Zucchineはかなりあっさりと仕上がっていて、ズッキーニの薄さに感動。微妙に高級天ぷら店を思い出すほど。Mezzelune Stefano Ricciはかぼちゃのラビオリという表現が最も親近感が沸く気がしますが、バターとセージのソース、そして粉々のamarettiという組み合わせがすごく濃厚だけど重過ぎない微妙な感じで、食事の中では最もおいしかったです。「自称Tiramisu専門家」の私(Tiramisuを見ると99%の可能性でオーダーしているため)でも、ここのTiramisuはアメリカと言うよりは本場イタリアの作り方に近くて、少し水分が多かったのが残念だけど、それ以外では飽きも来ない、ちょうどいい甘さだったと思います。私はladyfingerを使ったtiramisuが一般的に好きなのかもしれません。





Fritto di Calamaretti e Zucchine Croccanti con Salsetta di Pomodoro

- Crispy baby calamari and zucchini with a lightly spicy tomato sauce

Endiva Belga, Romana Nana e Mele con Gorgonzola

- Belgium endive, baby romaine and sweet apple with gorgonzola

Mezzelune Stefano Ricci - Pumpkin filled with mezzelune pasta in a butter and sage sauce with crumbled amaretti

Costoletta di Vitello alla Milanese - Pounded, breaded veal chop "Milanese" style with arugula and tomato salad

Il Tiramisu di Milano - Classic Mascarpone cream with dipped espresso ladyfingers dusted with cocoa powder

"La Pietra" Super Campanian Blend (exclusive proprietary blend of cafe milano)

Cafe Milano
3251 Prospect St. NW, Washington, DC 20007

★ - 3(3.5)/5 料理だけだったら、確実にもう少し評価が高いのですが・・・。レストランでの食事というのは、料理だけでなく、サービス(おもてなし)や空間が重要と改めて確認させられるお店です。